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О графическом редакторе Adobe Photoshop CS6

СТАТЬИ Administrator 27445 Hits 1 Comments
ВСЯ ПРАВДА О ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 Краткое описаниеПрежде, чем мы начнем описание, хотелось бы отметить, что…
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  1. 3D-Album Commercial Suite 3

    категория: Новости/ПРОГРАММЫ

    ... shadowing, lighting, reflection, and motion blurs effects, and provides interactive control of the album in a true 3D world. People will think you had a Hollywood title designer at your elbow. Main ... 10.11.2008
  2. Real World Adobe Photoshop CS2

    категория: Новости/КНИГИ / УЧЕБНИКИ

    ... including Real World QuarkXPress and Real World Adobe InDesign. David lectures on desktop publishing and multimedia at conferences and workshops around the world. Co-author, Bruce Fraser, is an internationally ... 31.10.2008
  3. Классические гламурные фотографии

    категория: Новости/КНИГИ / УЧЕБНИКИ

    ... the scenes to reveal the secrets of the world's top professional glamour photographers. Through a series of major features, each devoted to the work of a single photographer, it uncovers the keys to ... 24.10.2008
  4. Adobe Dreamweaver v10.0 Build 3963 CS4 Beta

    категория: Новости/ПРОГРАММЫ

    ... websites and applications Build world-class websites and applications with one of the industry's leading web authoring tools. Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4 software is ideal for web designers, web developers, ... 29.09.2008
  5. Tiffen Dfx 2.0.2 Plug-In Editions для Adobe Photoshop

    категория: Новости/PHOTOSHOP

    ... Breakups, Foliage Breakups, Trees & Flowers, Abstract, Graphics, Graphics & Grills, Rotation, Symbols & Signs, World Around Us, Churches & Heraldics, Windows, Doors & Blinds, Boundaries ... 17.09.2008
  6. Corel Painter X v10.0.0.46 Portable

    категория: Новости/ПРОГРАММЫ

    ... ранее правдоподобно - вплоть до воспроизведения эффекта каждой отдельной щетинки кисти.   New Corel® Painter™ X - the worlds most powerful Natural-Media® painting and illustration software ... 28.08.2008
  7. Видеокурс "методы отрасли высококачесвенного ретуширования"

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... по ретуше в Photoshop. Text from the back cover: As you already know, the high end retouching industry has been very tight lipped about the techniques they use to produce world class results for magazines, ... 27.08.2008
  8. Advanced JPEG Compressor v2008.5.1.84

    категория: Новости/ПРОГРАММЫ

    ... и многое другое. Advanced JPEG Compressor for Windows is the world's leading software for compressing digital images in JPEG format. Use Advanced JPEG Compressor for a variety of personal or business ... 25.08.2008
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