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Advanced JPEG Compressor v2008.5.1.84



Advanced JPEG Compressor v2008.5.1.84

Никуда не денешься в фотографии и картинках от вездесущего форматаJPEG! Advanced JPEG Compressor - пожалуй единственная, по-настоящему серьезно-продвинутая программа, позволяющая значительно "облегчать" вес изображений в формате JPEG с соблюдением максимально возможного компромисса, между его весом и качеством, порой "на глаз", не различимого. Позицируется как исключительное решение для графического оформления вэб-страниц и сайтов.

Имеет для этого множество инструментов, работу которых наблюдается в режиме реального времени в соседнем окне. Движок программы настроен на соблюдение максимального качества результатирующего варианта, а графический эквалайзер качества детализации, довершит оптимизацию, от больших деталей к меньшим. Также, позволяет обрабатывать только выделенную важную область, например лицо, для качественно меньшего сжатия; менять размер самого изображений используя на выбор четыре алгоритма интерполяции; просматривать и корректировать невидимый встроенный текст об авторском праве; подрезать изображение и многое другое.

Advanced JPEG Compressor for Windows is the world's leading software for compressing digital images in JPEG format. Use Advanced JPEG Compressor for a variety of personal or business purposes:
Easily reduce the large file sizes of your graphic files
Impressive file size reduction without losses in picture quality! Smaller files take less space and up and download faster. Effectively optimize photos for faster loading from the Web and faster sending by e-mail - avoid exceeding size limits. Compress scanned documents for storage/transferal.
Prepare images to meet any special size requirements
Advanced JPEG Compressor easily transforms your digital photos into any size you need.
Resize photos to any specified dimension or file size: thumbnails, photos for a web site, auction pictures, ads, web graphics or for job tasks.
Convert images to JPEG from other formats

Save your time on processing multiple images the same way! Advanced JPEG Compressor allows you to achieve results in just a few clicks of the mouse. Create custom profiles for different batch processing tasks.
Digital camera users will benefit most from Advanced JPEG Compressor: advanced noise removing filters, photo correction options, cropping, EXIF options, and more.

What's special ? The QUALITY. The original quality of your images is preserved as the most advanced, hi-end algorithms are used by Advanced JPEG Compressor.
The key features of Advanced JPEG Compressor are:

Interactivity - the process of compression becomes visual, effectively trading image quality with file size by adjusting the compressor's settings. It also offers a preview of the resulting image immediately in the result image preview window

Multi-document interface allows you to work with many images at the same time, enabling you to view and compare different compression parameters applied to either the same or different images

Advanced JPEG compression engine, specially optimized for higher image quality, considerably reduces the file size of images and provides the most comprehensive set of options to tune the compression level

Compression profiles considerably improve processing of multiple images with similar characteristics. A compression profile contains the most important compression parameters along with resizing information. You can create, save, edit and apply named compression profiles

Graphic Detail Quality Equalizer is a unique feature that gives you significant flexibility in adjusting the compressed image quality. Its 5 bands are intended to tune the compression level applied to the image details with different sizes (ranging from large to small)

Compression-oriented image prefiltering helps to achieve better compression/optimization results and improve the visual appearance of an image. You can choose one of five filters and change the level and radius (depth) of applying the active filter

Separate compression sliders for Luma(intensity) and Chroma(color) channels allow you to gain better compression results, eliminate color artefacts, and significantly improve the compressed image quality

Hold the defined compression ratio is a unique feature for graphic software that allows you to create images whose file size is limited by the defined compression ratio (like the "bit rate" parameter for audio files), and does not depend on their content

Selective image compression - some areas of the image can be compressed more or less than others. This useful feature allows you to save high quality for the most important parts of the image (faces,etc.), and lower for the rest, achieving excellent compression results

Progressive JPEG images support; images in this format being published on the Web will be incrementally displayed (gradually improving their quality) during loading from the Internet or other communications

Additional options for adjusting precision of compression allow you to get the best result depending on the priority: small file size or high image quality (which means large file size)

Ability to acquire images from TWAIN compliant devices - such as scanners or digital cameras

Image Resizing(Resampling) by using one of three implemented high-quality interpolation methods

Viewing/Editing the invisible text (signature, copyright notice, comments, etc.) embedded in your JPEG file

Possibility to crop unnecessary portions of the image

Easy-to-use and highly customizable user interface

Advanced JPEG Compressor also offers different modes of zooming, centering, different arrangements of source and result images, visual replacement of result by source image for better examination of compression results, image preview before opening, E-mail option, Windows clipboard support, and more.

Более подробно: http://www.winsoftmagic.com

размер - 1,67 Мб




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