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Rubber Menu AS2



Menu buttons can be set to be draggable or not. FLA | SWF
Menu buttons with mouse over and currently active menu item will stay put on the spot.
You can set the curviness and size of the elastic lines
You can set a bevel filter for the elastic lines
Duration of falling down and moving sideways can be customized
Button up/down and sidewards swing distance and speed can be customized
You can optionally set a fixed spot for menu items to move to when clicked
Shadows can be set at a fixed point or at a certain distance from the menu items
Predefined script offering automated fullscreen repositioning if needed.
Menu item keyframe motion tween makes customization easier.
Source files included: SWF, FLA



Игорь Лазарев

Скачать с LetItBit.net 
Скачать с Uploading.com 



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