Простое в понимании учебное пособие для создания ваших первых сайтов на Joomla.
Вы узнаете все подробненько о Расширениях: модули, компоненты, а также плагины. описание на англ: A rapid and easy-to-follow introductory tutorial to help you to create your first Joomla! extensions: modules, components, and plugins.
Inside the tutorial files, will have: - admin tutorials such as like email users, change access level, global config, backup phpmyadmin, trash manager, and more.
- beginner tutorials such as like add category, add section, approve submitted, install language, install module, install template, and more.
- community tutorials such as like config, fields, lists, plugins and tabs.
- developer tutorials such as like add contact, change frontpage layout, change homepage, create module, edit template, and more.
- ecommerce tutorials such as like add coupon, add manufacturer, add shipper, add shipping rate, edit store, and more.
You are expected to be familiar with the general operation of Joomla!