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О графическом редакторе Adobe Photoshop CS6

СТАТЬИ Administrator 27376 Hits 1 Comments
ВСЯ ПРАВДА О ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 Краткое описаниеПрежде, чем мы начнем описание, хотелось бы отметить, что…
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How to Cheat in Photoshop CS3 [ e-book ]




With his in-depth knowledge of the little-known secrets used by the pros to produce awardwinning illustrations, Steve is THE go-to guru for professional designers, graphic artists, illustrators, retouchers and students of design media and illustration who want to create photorealistic effects using Photoshop. Updated for Photoshop CS3, this must-have resource unlocks your creativity and helps you save time in the software so you can spend more time creatively. The book is also relevant to any version of Photoshop.

* Create convincing smoke effects and make effective explosions the simple way
* Take years off someone's appearance
* Turn a photograph of someone looking straight into the camera into a different perspective with the entire head (not just the eyes)
* Modify a statue so it looks like a living person or paint hair directly on any surface
* Produce the perfect cutout in the shortest time with Photoshop CS3's new Quick Selection tool... and more 


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