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О графическом редакторе Adobe Photoshop CS6

СТАТЬИ Administrator 27443 Hits 1 Comments
ВСЯ ПРАВДА О ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 Краткое описаниеПрежде, чем мы начнем описание, хотелось бы отметить, что…
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  1. MediaChance Dynamic PHOTO HDR 3.41 Portable

    категория: Новости/ПРОГРАММЫ

    ... that can completely eliminate ghosting of moving objects Various tone mapping procedures that can create a whole range of images - from smooth photographic tone mapping to very dramatic images Load ... 08.09.2008
  2. Видеокурс "методы отрасли высококачесвенного ретуширования"

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... advertising campaigns, displays and billboards throughout the world. The only techniques that have been readily available to the public have been the so called “smooth or soft skin” methods ... 27.08.2008
  3. Reshade Image Enlarger v1.5

    категория: Новости/ПРОГРАММЫ

    ... - get notified when a new version is released Innovative Processing Tools * Control - have the best control over image clarity. Remove blur and highlight curves * Soft Edges - get smooth, precise ... 27.08.2008
  4. EximiousSoft GIF Creator v5.58 Portable

    категория: Новости/ПРОГРАММЫ

    ... you can cut, copy and delete proportion of the animation, as well as directly edit the particular areas in the animation without influencing other parts. Vector painted tools.Which can paint the smoothest ... 27.08.2008
  5. Photoshop CS3 Restoration and Retouching Bible

    категория: Новости/КНИГИ / УЧЕБНИКИ

    ... trade: brushes, cloning, and others *Use layers and masks to build a non-destructive workflow *Rescue faded, torn, or stained photographs *Soften wrinkles, brighten eyes, tame hair, and smooth skin ... 17.06.2008
  6. Создаем коллаж в стиле урбан

    категория: Новости/УРОКИ PHOTOSHOP

    ... с параметрами: Spray Radius = 20 Smoothness = 5. Должно выглядеть так: Шаг 4 Идем в Select/Color Range, жмем Highlights, и дальше OK. Дальше жмем DEL. Так же удалим слой под названием ... 16.05.2008
  7. Как сделать из фотографии рисунок в Photoshop

    категория: Новости/УРОКИ PHOTOSHOP

    ... 40%. Еще раз скопируйте слой Desaturated и назовите копию “4“, также разместив поверх слоя “3“. Далее Filter > Stylize > Glowing Edges: Edge Width: 1 Edge Brightness: 7 Smoothness: ... 25.03.2008
  8. Photoshop Tip & Tricks vol.5

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... - 4:20) In a past tip, Geoff talked about one way to transform normal, rough skin into vibrant, smooth skin in Photoshop, and in this video, he illustrates a completely different method of achieving ... 22.03.2008
  9. How to to Wow :Mastering Flash 8 Professional

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... Flash to convert an animated GIF to a SWF in a Web banner. Session 15 : Bitmap Caching Using a new feature in Flash to make complex vectors animate more smoothly.   Chapter 3 - Alive with ... 02.03.2008
  10. Total Training Adobe Photoshop CS3 Advanced

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... Painting with the History Brush 2. Non-Destructive Cloning & Healing 3. The Liquify Diet 4. Smoothing Skin Tones with a Blur Filter 5. Compositing Made Easy 6. Correcting Color by Adjusting ... 02.03.2008
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