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О графическом редакторе Adobe Photoshop CS6

СТАТЬИ Administrator 27441 Hits 1 Comments
ВСЯ ПРАВДА О ADOBE PHOTOSHOP CS6 Краткое описаниеПрежде, чем мы начнем описание, хотелось бы отметить, что…
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  1. Видео-урок для Photoshop

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... so you will have some interesting ideas after seeing this one. People loved it when it first came out public! Sit tight; watch and learn.   File Size: 107.2 MB Format: DivX AVI Audio: No, ... 22.03.2008
  2. Photoshop CS3 Portrait Retouching Essentials with: Chris Orwig

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... of people--portraits, family snapshots, wedding photos--and Photoshop helps make people look their best in pictures. In Photoshop CS3 Portrait Retouching Essentials, professional photographer and Photoshop ... 16.03.2008
  3. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom for digital photographers. Colin Smith

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... today in the real-world. There are no monotone presentations with boring uninspiring images. You'll learn tons, you'll have fun and most of all you'll be inspired. See why millions of people are passionate ... 13.03.2008
  4. PhotoshopCafe - Photoshop Secrets: Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... fun and most of all you'll be inspired. See why millions of people are passionate about PhotoshopCAFE training. (5,000,000 to date).   This fast loading DVD ROM contains over 6 hours of brand ... 10.03.2008
  5. CSS Web Site Design with Eric Meyer

    категория: Новости/ВИДЕОУРОКИ

    ... Ohio, which is a much nicer city than most people have been led to believe.   CSS Web Site Design CSS gives Web designers control over the appearance of their web sites by separating the visual ... 02.03.2008
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